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CLI24 is a robust command-line interface (CLI) tool, specifically designed to simplify the process of building and deploying FW24 applications. It's your one-stop solution for managing your FW24 projects efficiently.

Quick and Easy Installation#

Get started with CLI24 by installing it globally on your machine. This allows you to access the tool from any directory. Use the following command:

npm install @ten24group/cli24 --global

Kickstart Your Project#

With CLI24, you can effortlessly generate a new FW24 project, complete with a backend API and an admin portal. Use the create command followed by your project's name:

cli24 create myapp

This command will create two new directories: myapp-backend and myapp-admin, setting up the basic structure of your application.

Deploy Your Project#

To deploy your project to AWS, use deploy command from inside your project folder:

cli24 deploy local

Real-Time Development with Watch Mode#

CLI24's watch command allows you to run your backend in watch mode. This means your development server will start and automatically reload whenever you make changes to your code. To use this feature, navigate to the backend directory and run:

cd myapp-backendcli24 watch local

CLI24 is more than just a tool; it's a powerful ally that makes building and deploying FW24 applications a breeze. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting with FW24, CLI24 is designed to enhance your productivity and streamline your development workflow.


To delete your app and all it's related AWS resources, run the following from outside your project folder:

cli24 delete myapp


Here is a list of available commands:

Project Creation#

  • create <projectName>: Create a new fw24 project.
    • Example: cli24 create myProject
  • create-backend <projectName>: Create a new fw24 backend project. Use -d, --deploy <deploy> to deploy the project after creation.
    • Example: cli24 create-backend myBackendProject -d aws
  • create-admin <projectName>: Create a new fw24 admin project. Requires -b, --backendProjectName <backendProjectName> to specify the backend project name.

Module Management#

  • add-module <moduleName>: Add a module to a fw24 project. Use -o, --options <options> to specify module options.

    • Example: cli24 add-module myModule -o "option1,option2"

Site Management#

  • add-site <projectName>: Add a site to a fw24 project. Requires -o, --orgName <orgName> and -r, --repoName <repoName> to specify the Github organization and repository names.
    • Example: cli24 add-site myProject -o myOrg -r myRepo

AWS Resource Management#

  • add-dynamodb-table <tableName>: Add a DynamoDB table to a fw24 project.
  • add-dynamodb-entity <entityName>: Add a DynamoDB entity to a fw24 project. Requires -t, --tableName <tableName>, -p, --entityNamePlural <entityNamePlural>, and -ep, --entityProperties <entityProperties> to specify the DynamoDB table name, entity plural name, and entity properties.
  • add-dynamodb-entity-property <entityName> -p <propertyName> -t <propertyType> [wysiwyg|date|string]: Add property to an entity
  • cli24 add-dynamodb-entity-relationship <entityName> -p <propertyName> -r <relatedEntityName>: Add a related property to an entity
  • add-mailer <domainName>: Add a Mailer to a fw24 project.
  • add-bucket <bucketName>: Add an S3 bucket to a fw24 project.
  • add-bucket-withhandler <bucketName> <functionName>: Add an S3 bucket handler function to a fw24 project.
  • add-bucket-uiconfig: Add a UI Config bucket to a fw24 project.
  • add-queue <queueName>: Add an SQS queue to a fw24 project.
  • add-topic <topicName>: Add an SNS topic to a fw24 project.
  • add-task <taskName>: Add a task to a fw24 project.


  • add-controller-test: Add a test controller to a fw24 project. Use -b, --buckets <buckets>, -q, --queues <queues>, and -t, --topics <topics> to specify the list of buckets, queues, and topics for resource access.

Project Management#

  • synth <environment>: Synthesize the CDK project.
    • Example: cli24 synth dev
  • deploy <environment>: Deploy the CDK project.
    • Example: cli24 deploy prod
  • start: Start the React project.
    • Example: cli24 start
  • watch <environment>: Watch the CDK project.
  • open-admin <projectName>: Open the fw24 admin app in a browser.
  • download-project <projectName>: Download a project from Github.
  • delete <projectName>: Delete a fw24 project and destroy all resources.
  • delete-backend <projectName>: Delete a fw24 backend project and destroy all resources.
  • delete-admin <projectName>: Delete a fw24 admin project and destroy all resources.
  • add-cicd -o GITHUBORG -r REPO -b BRANCH -e ENV_FILENAME: Setup a github workflow action to automatically deploy your project


  • tail <logGroupName>: Tail the log group with matching name. Use -f, --follow, -s, --since <since>, -fp, --filterPattern <filterPattern>, and -fr, --format <format> to customize the output.

    • Example: cli24 tail /aws/lambda/myFunction -f -s 1h -fp "ERROR" -fr "short"


  • list-routes: Generate a list of API Gateway endpoints and methods for a given project. Use -p, --projectName <projectName> to specify the project name.
  • generate-api-docs <projectName>: Generate API documentation for a fw24 project.

Sample Project#

  • generate-sample-project <projectName>: Generate a sample project.

For more information about each command, use cli24 help <command>.